

Fauves Studio, previously known as Art Studio Agoura, began in a garage-studio in 2015. Since then, the studio has expanded considerably, as hundreds of students have grown in their appreciation of art and their abilities to produce art from their own imagination rather than merely copy an original work. We just recently moved to our current location to accommodate more students and provide parents with a comfortable waiting lounge.


Art school for all ages and every imagination! Watercolors, acrylics and oils, as well as clay sculpture. Group classes are not segregated by age or painting medium—each student works on a unique project, gaining the benefit of a group setting while assuring individual attention to a subject suited to their interests.

Throughout her teaching career, Elena Avanesova the founder of Fauves Studio, has been committed to teaching art in the context of history. Her students kick off projects by studying a particular artist or art movement. The students learn what materials, techniques, and styles typified that period or artist. They then apply the lessons to a project of their own making. For example, rather than merely copying Van Gogh’s Starry Night, a student might choose a subject of interest (Harry Potter seems to come up most frequently!) and paint that subject in the style of Van Gogh using his painting technique and color palette.

Elena has found this approach most rewarding as she has seen her students not only learn the technical aspects of drawing, painting, or sculpting, but also develop a sound foundation of art knowledge and ability—and in this way learn to express themselves through any medium.

Meet the Owner

Art Studio Agoura was founded by Elena Avanesova. Prior to opening the studio, Elena had been teaching art for over 20 years. She received a classical art education from 1st grade through university while growing up in the Central Asian country of Uzbekistan. She started teaching professionally in international schools and privately as she lived in a number of countries in Asia and Europe before arriving in Agoura Hills in 2009. When Elena is not teaching or painting, she is kept busy with her two teenage daughters as they pursue their creative passions in art, music, and dance.